Tuesday, October 11, 2011

kate asked what I'm doing

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There's no PO delivery here and I can't afford a PO box (rv park residents are considered "temporary," so can't get free boxes).

I'm very stressed, but working hard. I'm building a greenhouse out of trash and will video tape it soon.

I'm on YouTube now, primarily in the skeptical/scientific/atheist communities, but dabbling in feminism, Queer issues and whatever strikes my fancy. I only have a craptacular webcam in the Netbook Rachel got for me, and no room on either computer for good editing software, so I need to be resourceful in how I produce videos. My training in broadcast journalism won't let me make something too crappy for public consumption, though.

There are descriptions/Info below each video with links, explanations, etc.

I did this as a video response to a young, atheist woman who asked what in the world we would end in 2012 (a flip of the "end times" "prophecies" for next year. This it how I would end the world in 2012: http://youtu.be/ZDzC7NC1Z2w

This is my memorial to Troy Davis, that guy in Georgia who was executed...I mean lynched...recently: http://youtu.be/YN5KGs_MJ2Y

I'm dabbling in a new blog and video series: Celebrating Omnipotent Sperm Temple for wombMen (COST4Women), in which I review cultural memes, political candidates, etc. without ever mentioning Abrahamic faiths' obsession with patronage, control of females & children, etc. No culture is off limits, nor is any body else. http://youtu.be/MyjcF3txS9E

Now, this one is a response to a guy from Luxemburg whom I stumbled over. In fact, his name is Guy (pronounced GEE with a hard "g"). I have a very tender spot in my heart for him. He is sweet and smart and funny and wicked and does all atheist videos, but with characters, humor and plain ol' joy, like US and English atheists can't even touch. We are becoming good friends. What I did NOT know, when I made this video, is that there is an infestation of so-called "men's rights" in a portion of the atheist YouTube community that is quite abusive, crass, arrogant, disrespectful, etc. So, when some of these fellows listened to the 2 video set I'll post here, they assumed some stuff about me and went on the attack. One even posted very veiled threats that he might research who I am and where I live and "drop my docs," expose me to my community. I don't care. While it sickens me that people can be so warped, I HAVE to speak. Now, the really interesting thing, the thing that most surprises me, about this video is that there is NO script and NO editing. I never say "um, ah..." I only lost my place once, when a bug flew down my night gown and I sound poised, articulate and clear. I'm getting a lot (relatively speaking) of support, subscriptions and "friend requests," as a result. It's also my most watched video. People want me to continue. It's all just from the heart. It's a response to Guy (he calls himself "Goxter" on YouTube), calling for us as rational people, to frame our arguments and discussions with rationality, logic and respect for our debate opponents. I jumped at the chance to speak: http://youtu.be/q2EVBwmFf3c

I'm meeting WONDERFUL people, from all over the planet. Some have church damage, as do I. Many are very into science, philosophy, sacred texts as literature, social history, politics... on and on. And not at some superficial level. Some of these people are beyond "smart." I have no interest in television. I seldom even watch movies on the internet anymore. I spend my free time watching home-broadcast videos by regular human beings from all over the planet and it is MARVELOUS to break my isolation in this travel trailer in NM and sit in a living room in Denmark, a school yard in India, a biology lab in England or a back yard in Luxemburg. I can't tell you how beautiful this is to me.

So, what am I doing? Not much. Just preparing my trailer for winter, finishing my green house and sitting on my fat rump, listening to the insides of people's minds all over the planet. Not much.

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