Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Beethoven, Symphony 9, 4th movement (complete), Presto, Philharmonia Bar...

 Sir, u never acknowledge my comments, so I don't know if u will c this. This is prob. the most important pieces of music every conceived. Thx u 4 all this very time-consuming &, I'd guess on occasion, tedious, precise exacting work. I hear more music this way, b/c I can c the instruments, voices. Thx 4 translating, 2. Never knew what the words meant b4 tonight. U had better never die or close this channel, as this is in my music favs now. Will return 2 it frequently. Helluva job. Bravo

Uploaded by on Dec 6, 2011
More about this video ...
The last movement of Beethoven's last symphony, performed by the Philharmonia Baroque orchestra, directed by Nicholas McGegan. The chorus includes members of three choirs: ???, ???, and ???. The soloists are soprano ???, alto ???, tenor ???, and baritone ???.

The recording was licensed from Magnatune, where you can listen to or purchase it:

In this graphical score, the notes of the string instruments are shown as rhombi, the brass and winds are colored rectangles, the percussion instruments are gray (from top to bottom: triangle, cymbals, timpani, bass drum), and the vocal parts are ellipses.

The original (1080p) version of this video will be available for purchase here:



Standard YouTube License

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