Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Egyptian and Tunisian Revolutions in Carl Sagan's "Earth the Pale Blue Dot"

Uploaded by on Feb 17, 2011

Footage of the Tunisian and Egyptian democratic revolutions mixed with timelapses and set to Carl Sagan reading from his book "Earth - The Pale Blue Dot."

Remix by Torrey Meeks


NOTE: I used a lot of different material to make this video, but the cornerstone is the original "Earth - The Pale Blue Dot" time lapse film by Michael Marantz:

Earth - The Pale Blue Dot


Oliver Wilkins
Tahrir Square, Cairo, Feb 1 2011 -

Jessica Pinney
Times Square Time Lapse -

Blueglaze LLC
New York City Time Lapse -

Josh Owens
NYC Sunset -

Don Pettit
Time Lapse from Space - Earth 2
Time Lapse from Space - Satellite Launch

Time Lapse Video of Guy Driving Across the Country

[EGYPT] Heroic Egyptian Shows Tiananmen-like Courage, Cairo

1981 primitive Internet report on KRON

Ark Hotel Construction time lapse building 15 storeys in 2 days

Egypt Cairo TODAY 28.01.2011 Revolution Kasr Al Nile bridge

Egypt explodes in celebration as Mubarak stepping down

Egyptian protests enter fifth day

Exclusive NASA HD Footage - When We Left Earth

First Space Walk

Fresh video of night unrest, tanks looters in riot-tor

HD Earth Views from Space Station NASA ISS

In Egypt, Protests Continue Despite Blocked Access to Communication

India Bus Full with People on Top Between Agra and Delhi Jun

India Driving

Man Shot In Tunis Riots, At Least 23 Others Killed

More video of Tahrir Square chaos as stones fly

Egypt Cairo Heavy clashes, sec forces retreating

MUST SEE Egypt Cairo 28.01.2011 Heavy clashes in Cairo Skyne

Protest in Egypt - Jan 25, 2011

Raw Video Man Shot in Egypt Protest

Tahrir Sq reacts to resignation

Video of fierce Egypt clashes as pro-govt crowds attack anti-Mubarak protesters - (I'm sorry, but I haven't been able to locate where I got this source video after extensive searching. Somewhere on YouTube, that much I know. is the only file name in my project file. This file is the NYC Time Square rooftop/window time lapse. If this is your material, please let me know and I will link and credit you!)

NOTE: If you are the original camera man or shooter who got any of this footage in Egypt or Tunisia and you would like your name attached to it, please just get in touch with me and I will add your name above your video! The original shooters of the raw YouTube videos are extremely hard to track down, as they have been uploaded, mirrored, and copied by so many different people. Thank you to everyone whose footage I used in the making of this video. It wouldn't be possible without you.


News & Politics


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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Woman's Rights / Muslim Woman by Nessrriinn

Uploaded by on Oct 21, 2011

Woman's Rights / Muslim Woman by Nessrriinn

Alan Grayson, standup politician

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Humor is a much more effective tool than rage, I believe.

 Alan Grayson likes to make jokes about the Republicans...If he doesn't win a
seat as Florida's representative, maybe he'll win a spot on "Last Congressman
Standing" or "America's Got James Talent":

A few weeks ago, the Florida Democratic Party invited Alan Grayson to be the
keynote speaker at the first meeting of the Democratic Progressive Caucus of
Florida. At 8 a.m., it was standing-room-only, as hundreds of people tried to
squeeze into the event.

Alan spoke for almost half an hour, without any notes. Our campaign didn't
record it, but some brave soul in the audience did, and then posted segments
of it on YouTube. So we can offer you Twenty Minutes of Grayson, in pieces,
starting here [ ].

Alan began by talking about the Republican presidential candidates. Here is
some of what he said:

*Sarah Palin:* "I was disappointed that Sarah Palin was not running. But I
understood why. She realized that she count not fit the Oath of Office on her

*Mitt Romney:* "There's somebody who spends all day trying to figure out
whether he should flip or flop."

*Herman Cain: * "I hope he gets the nomination because clearly, if both
parties nominate African-Americans, every racist in this country will have to
commit suicide. . . .  What is his business genius? That he paid people $8 an
hour to deliver $15 pizzas."

*Rick Perry:*  "Rick Perry tried to pick a fist fight with Ron Paul on
national TV. A 76-year-old man. He doesn't want to just cut Social Security.
He wants to beat up everyone on Social Security."

*Newt Gingrich:* "Somebody said to me recently, 'I actually listened to Newt
Gingrich, and he sounded really crazy to me.' I said, 'Look, Newt Gingrich has
been listening to Newt Gingrich for 68 years. If you listened to Newt Gingrich
for 68 years, wouldn't you be crazy?'"

*Ron Paul:  *"I'm going to disregard Ron Paul, because everyone else does."

*Michele Bachmann:* "I'm not going to say anything about her, because we
actually have an agreement between ourselves. The agreement is that if I don't
tell the truth about her, she won't lie about me."

*What They Have in Common:  *"Their favorite TV show is 'Father Knows Best.' .
. . And to show how 'groovy' and 'with it' they are, their favorite song is
Jefferson Airplane's 'Don't You Need Somebody to Hate.'"

*And this:*  "Last time, the [Republican] nominee was named McCain. Now the
person who is leading in their race is named Cain. You have to consider the
possibility that it's because of the name.

"You have to consider that possibility. It might just be the name.

"And what is that story? I mean, think about it. Why would they be so
attracted to somebody named Cain? As I recall the story, he killed his brother
with the jawbone of a donkey, which probably meant he wanted to blame it on
the Democrats.

"And then when God said, 'Where's your brother?', Cain said, 'Am I my
brother's keeper?' As if he had no idea.

"And that is actually *the fundamental question that separates us from them*,
right?  *Am I my brother's keeper? Our answer is, 'Yes, we are.'* We are."

*FINALLY – A Democrat Who Can Explain, in Simple, Plain Terms, What It Means
to Be a Democrat. Isn't that precisely what we need, what we've all been
waiting for?

Uploaded by on Oct 8, 2011
Alan Grayson Steals the Show on Real Time w/ Bill Maher




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Monday, November 21, 2011

He Don't Come Easy (apologies to Ringo Starr & George Harrison)

Uploaded by on Nov 21, 2011

Some "apologetic" music. The Second Coming -- it's in the mail people. Any day now.

Ozmoroid takes an opportunity to wank on one of the best evah post-Beatles tunes.





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2011: A Planetary Society Year in Review With Bill Nye

MAKE A DONATION, please! I can't; I really can't. It'd b a great holiday present for me if you'll just help them out, please? PS: Nye, comb your hair; straighten your tie and jacket. u look like u slept in those clothes. I know PS doesn't get as much fed $ as PS, but dude!

Occupy the Machine

Uploaded by on Nov 21, 2011
This week:

1. Occupy movement under attack
2. Waking up to the role of the police
3. Bloomberg's real message
4. Anonymous strikes at the 1%
5. McGill students fight back
6. George Wright still free
7. Mc Sole
8. Occupy the Machine


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Rare Exception to Media Blackout of Media Blackout

Uploaded by on Nov 21, 2011

Local news report was a rare exception to the pattern of mainstream media's blackout of the story that the police were imposing a media blackout. Chris Glorioso's reporting was a rare exception to media blackout of NYPD's suppression of reporting on OWS eviction. SEE Representative Press Blog:

Occupy Crackdown Targets Journalists "For the past two months I have been tracking journalist arrests at Occupy protests around the country. Tuesday, Nov. 15, was the worst day yet in terms of police suppression of the press."
Press Suppression at Occupy Wall Street Raid "Around 1:00am on Tuesday, Nov 15th, the NYPD moved in to clear Zuccotti Park of all protestors and equipment. Over the next 12 hours, both independent and mainstream journalists were prevented from covering the story, and 8 credentialed journalists (including AP, NPR, NY Daily News) were arrested."
"Reporters from news organizations big and small all flocked down to the park once word broke that police were clearing out, and there they found police who were hostile, barred them from entering the area, and even in a few cases, got violent. It was very clear that the police and Mayor Bloomberg did not want the press, or the rest of America to see what was happening here. The mainstream media gave coverage to the fact that the raid happened, but didn't even mention the fact that journalists were being barred from covering it." The Alyona Show 1:28

Occupy Wall Street: NYPD attempt media blackout at Zuccotti Park
Journalists report aggressive treatment as media blocked from protest camp during surprise police raid
Journalists Obstructed at Zuccotti Park "The NYPD has come under fire from journalists for deliberately blocking their view of the overnight eviction at Zuccotti Park. Chris Glorioso was one of the first reporters on the scene, and offers his first-hand account here." By NBC New York "VIDEO: Media Pushed Back from Occupy Wall Street Raid Police and mayor said it was for their protection."
"Several members of the media reported being blocked from covering the Occupy Wall Street raid overnight, with police pushing them back from the action and preventing reporting and photographing ... journalists were detained by police, including AP writer Karen Matthews, AP photographer Seth Wenig and Daily News reporter Matthew Lysiak, the AP said. ... journalists who identified themselves as working for the New York Post and New York Daily News were pushed back by police in riot gear, along with NBC New York's Chris Glorioso." "Using the hashtag #mediablackout, journalists tweeted throughout the raid about their dustups with police." (from article by By Jonathan Dienst and Shimon Prokupecz | Wednesday, Nov 16, 2011)
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

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Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA)

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ISPs versus SOPA: Anti-piracy bill could force severe privacy-invading measures

By Zack Whittaker | November 20, 2011, 12:28pm PST
Summary: Major U.S. web providers are vehemently against the anti-piracy SOPA bill. Now we now know why: because privacy-invading measures have to be implemented, and at a cost.
Internet service providers in recent weeks have spoken out publicly against the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), which threatens the very free and open nature of the web as we know it.


Saturday, November 19, 2011

BIG BANG BIG BOOM - the new wall-painted animation by BLU

Uploaded by on Jul 4, 2010

DVD available at:
an unscientific point of view on the beginning and evolution of life ... and how it could probably end.
better video quality here:
direction and animation by BLU
production and distribution by

sorry for the low video/audio quality, it is made for bigger screens and good speakers
better resolution video here:

many thanks to (in random order):
xm24 bologna, csoa mezzacanaja, ericailcane, robert rebotti, andrea bagni, paper resistance, studiocromie, rifrazioni festival, sasso passo, sibe, festival de cine experimental de maldonado (uruguay), gianluigi toccafondo, orilo, maria de brea, bs as stencil, run don't walk, franco fasoli, modo infoshop, pietro and icone festival, doma, cesare romani, popup festival and all the blu's family

BIG BANG BIG BOOM - the new wall-painted animation by BLU

Uploaded by on Jul 4, 2010

DVD available at:
an unscientific point of view on the beginning and evolution of life ... and how it could probably end.
better video quality here:
direction and animation by BLU
production and distribution by

sorry for the low video/audio quality, it is made for bigger screens and good speakers
better resolution video here:

many thanks to (in random order):
xm24 bologna, csoa mezzacanaja, ericailcane, robert rebotti, andrea bagni, paper resistance, studiocromie, rifrazioni festival, sasso passo, sibe, festival de cine experimental de maldonado (uruguay), gianluigi toccafondo, orilo, maria de brea, bs as stencil, run don't walk, franco fasoli, modo infoshop, pietro and icone festival, doma, cesare romani, popup festival and all the blu's family

BIG BANG BIG BOOM - the new wall-painted animation by BLU

Uploaded by on Jul 4, 2010

DVD available at:
an unscientific point of view on the beginning and evolution of life ... and how it could probably end.
better video quality here:
direction and animation by BLU
production and distribution by

sorry for the low video/audio quality, it is made for bigger screens and good speakers
better resolution video here:

many thanks to (in random order):
xm24 bologna, csoa mezzacanaja, ericailcane, robert rebotti, andrea bagni, paper resistance, studiocromie, rifrazioni festival, sasso passo, sibe, festival de cine experimental de maldonado (uruguay), gianluigi toccafondo, orilo, maria de brea, bs as stencil, run don't walk, franco fasoli, modo infoshop, pietro and icone festival, doma, cesare romani, popup festival and all the blu's family

BIG BANG BIG BOOM - the new wall-painted animation by BLU

Uploaded by on Jul 4, 2010

DVD available at:
an unscientific point of view on the beginning and evolution of life ... and how it could probably end.
better video quality here:
direction and animation by BLU
production and distribution by

sorry for the low video/audio quality, it is made for bigger screens and good speakers
better resolution video here:

many thanks to (in random order):
xm24 bologna, csoa mezzacanaja, ericailcane, robert rebotti, andrea bagni, paper resistance, studiocromie, rifrazioni festival, sasso passo, sibe, festival de cine experimental de maldonado (uruguay), gianluigi toccafondo, orilo, maria de brea, bs as stencil, run don't walk, franco fasoli, modo infoshop, pietro and icone festival, doma, cesare romani, popup festival and all the blu's family

Authors@Google: Christopher Hitchens

Uploaded by on Aug 16, 2007

Author Christopher Hitchens discusses his book "God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything" as a part of the Authors@Google series. The author of Why Orwell Matters and Letters to a Young Contrarian, Christopher Hitchens is a Vanity Fair contributing editor, a Slate columnist, and a regular contributor to The Atlantic Monthly. He has also written for The Nation, Granta, Harper's, The Washington Post, and is a frequent television and radio guest. Born in England, Hitchens was educated at Balliol College, Oxford, where he received a degree in philosophy, politics, and economics. He now lives in Washington, D.C., and he became a U.S. citizen in 2007. This event took place on August 16, 2007 at Google headquarters in Mountain View, CA.


People & Blogs



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PROTECT IP Act Breaks The Internet

Uploaded by on Nov 17, 2011

Tell Congress not to censor the internet NOW! -
Be a part of American Censorship Day -
H.R.3261 - Stop Online Piracy Act -

TechDirt coverage -

PROTECT-IP is a bill that has been introduced in the Senate and the House and is moving quickly through Congress. It gives the government and corporations the ability to censor the net, in the name of protecting "creativity". The law would let the government or corporations censor entire sites-- they just have to convince a judge that the site is "dedicated to copyright infringement."

The government has already wrongly shut down sites without any recourse to the site owner. Under this bill, sharing a video with anything copyrighted in it, or what sites like Youtube and Twitter do, would be considered illegal behavior according to this bill.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, this bill would cost us $47 million tax dollars a year — that's for a fix that won't work, disrupts the internet, stifles innovation, shuts out diverse voices, and censors the internet. This bill is bad for creativity and does not protect your rights.


Nonprofits & Activism



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Biden on Internet Freedom = Anti-SOPA

Uploaded by on Nov 17, 2011

Tell Congress not to censor the internet NOW! -
Be a part of American Censorship Day -
H.R.3261 - Stop Online Piracy Act -

TechDirt coverage -

Joe Biden filled in for Hillary Clinton at the London Conference on Cyberspace (LCC) on November 1st, giving a speech on the importance of freedom in cyberspace and talking up the importance of freedom on the internet and not regulating the internet. Meanwhile, the Obama Administration stands with congress in full support of H.R 3261, the Stop Online Piracy Act, which would give copyright holders the ability to censor websites on the net.

PROTECT-IP is a bill that has been introduced in the Senate and the House and is moving quickly through Congress. It gives the government and corporations the ability to censor the net, in the name of protecting "creativity". The law would let the government or corporations censor entire sites-- they just have to convince a judge that the site is "dedicated to copyright infringement."

The government has already wrongly shut down sites without any recourse to the site owner. Under this bill, sharing a video with anything copyrighted in it, or what sites like Youtube and Twitter do, would be considered illegal behavior according to this bill.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, this bill would cost us $47 million tax dollars a year — that's for a fix that won't work, disrupts the internet, stifles innovation, shuts out diverse voices, and censors the internet. This bill is bad for creativity and does not protect your rights.


Nonprofits & Activism



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New Youtube Entrance Test

Uploaded by on Nov 19, 2011

Please complete before continuing your Youtube Experience


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Friday, November 18, 2011

Earth - Time Lapse Flyover from Space (NASA, International Space Station)

Uploaded by on Nov 16, 2011

Here is an amazing series of time-lapse photos, taken from the International Space Station and edited into a video. Take five minutes and look at our pale blue dot from about 200 miles above.

Image Courtesy of the Image Science & Analysis Laboratory,
NASA Johnson Space Center, The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth

Editing: Michael König |

Shooting locations in order of appearance:

1. Aurora Borealis Pass over the United States at Night
2. Aurora Borealis and eastern United States at Night
3. Aurora Australis from Madagascar to southwest of Australia
4. Aurora Australis south of Australia
5. Northwest coast of United States to Central South America at Night
6. Aurora Australis from the Southern to the Northern Pacific Ocean
7. Halfway around the World
8. Night Pass over Central Africa and the Middle East
9. Evening Pass over the Sahara Desert and the Middle East
10. Pass over Canada and Central United States at Night
11. Pass over Southern California to Hudson Bay
12. Islands in the Philippine Sea at Night
13. Pass over Eastern Asia to Philippine Sea and Guam
14. Views of the Mideast at Night
15. Night Pass over Mediterranean Sea
16. Aurora Borealis and the United States at Night
17. Aurora Australis over Indian Ocean
18. Eastern Europe to Southeastern Asia at Night

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